Solutions Specialists
Integral in Wood

En Comercial Amós, nos enorgullece ofrecer comprehensive solutions for wooden structures and roofs, both for new construction projects and rehabilitation. Our commitment is to provide you with the highest quality and precision in each phase of the project, supported by an experienced and rigorous technical team that will accompany you at all times.

Innovation and Precision in Every Detail

Using the latest technology, we model each project with the Cadwork 3D program, which allows us to analyze and design each encounter of the structure in an optimal way. Subsequently, we export the project to the Hundegger K2 machining center to manufacture the parts with precision and reliability. We deliver the wooden cover in KIT, with numbered pieces and assembly plans, to guarantee efficient assembly by the professional.

Renewable Source

Wood is a natural resource that, when managed sustainably, offers a renewable construction solution with low environmental impact.

Carbon Sequestration

By using wood from responsibly managed forests (certified by PEFC and FSC), we contribute to the fight against climate change. Wood stores carbon throughout its useful life, helping to reduce the global carbon footprint.

Wood: A Wink to Ecology and Sustainability

Entendemos que "Los bosques son las fábricas de materiales de construcción que menos contaminan". Por ello, en Comercial Amós, elegimos la madera no solo por su belleza y versatilidad sino también por su papel crucial en la construcción sostenible:

We ensure that every piece of wood used comes from sustainably managed forests, supporting biodiversity and local economies, and reaffirming our commitment to a greener future.

Advantages of Wood
in the construction

Wood offers countless advantages as a construction material:

Design Possibilities

Flexibility and versatility to create innovative and aesthetically attractive structures.

Fire resistance

Greater mechanical resistance and lower deformability compared to other materials.

Renewable and Sustainable

Positive contribution to the environment with a negative CO2 balance.

Mechanical and Acoustic Properties

Excellent features that improve comfort and quality of life.

Seismic Behavior

Wood offers a favorable structural response in seismic conditions.


Durable material that ensures longevity of

Join the Sustainable Construction Revolution

Elegir Comercial Amós para tu próximo proyecto no solo significa optar por la calidad y precisión, sino también por un compromiso profundo con la sostenibilidad y el futuro del planeta.

Contact us to discover how we can transform your vision into reality with innovative and ecological wood solutions.

Integral management
of your project

Regardless of the complexity of the work, we offer comprehensive solutions for wooden structures and roofs for the professional, both in new construction and in rehabilitation.

We have a experienced and rigorous technical team that will accompany you throughout all phases of the project.

For the initial phase of on-site measurement we have the latest technology from Leica Geosystems. We have at our disposal a laser distance meter as well as a state-of-the-art laser scanner that works with point cloud technology.

Our projects are modeled with the program 3D Cadwork which allows us to analyze each encounter of the structure and design it in the most optimal way. The project is then exported to Hundegger K2 machining center so that the parts are manufactured with precision and reliability.

We supply the wooden deck in KIT, with all numbered parts and assembly drawings so that the professional can carry out the assembly efficiently.

We also offer the builder the possibility of serving the structure of sawed wood since we have an industrial impregnator in our facilities.

Thanks to our industrialization process we can optimize delivery times in addition to achieving safer and more optimal work thanks to the reduction in assembly times and delivery of custom materials.

The forests are the factories
of construction materials
that pollute less

All the wood and derived products used in our facilities have the main forestry certification seals such as PEFC and FSC, which certify that the forests from which the wood comes are managed in a sustainable manner, ensuring that biological diversity is preserved and benefits lives. of local populations, while ensuring that it also sustains economic viability.

Contact us

"Comercial Amós: Innovación, Precisión y Sostenibilidad en cada estructura de madera"

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